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Tyndale Primary School

Latest News

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  • 01/07/24

    Y3 Strings Performance

    We loved watching our Y3’s perform so well in their strings concert!
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  • 01/07/24

    Y5 - Bread

    Y5 pupils had fun making bread at Yate Academy today, as part of their DT learning. Most pupils followed their design to create a baguette!🥖
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  • 01/07/24

    Year 4, 5, 6 Arrangements for Next Week

            Dear Parents/Carers, Arrangements for Wednesday 10 th , Thursday 11 th and Friday 12 th July Next Wednesday 10th July - Friday 12th July 2024, many children in Years 5 and 6 are attending the residential in Devon. The staff members attending this...
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  • 28/06/24

    Year 6 Art

    Year 6 has enjoyed creating art pieces based on nature this week. We definitely have some budding artists!
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  • 27/06/24

    Register Your Interest for Wrap Around Care

          Thursday 27th June 2024 Dear Parents/Carers, As you are aware, we work in partnership with ‘The Oaks Nursery’ as they lease our premises and are based on our school site. When we set up this arrangement a few years ago, The Oaks Nursery prov...
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  • 25/06/24

    Y4 Saxophone Concert

    As part of their music lessons, Year 4 have been practising different songs, using their voices and saxophones. Today they did a fantastic performance to their parents and carers. Check out ‘Eye of the Tiger’ on our Facebook or Instagram!
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  • 21/06/24

    Sports Day

    We had such an enjoyable Sports Day!☀️Thank you to all our parents and carers for attending. Both pupils and adults loved participating in a range of races. Our pupils showed great Sportsmanship and cheered each other on! 👏🏼
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  • 21/06/24

    Young Writers!

    We are so proud to announce that our Y3 pupils are winners of 'The Young Writers' Once Upon a Dream Poetry Competition'. They have used their imagination to create some fantastic poems about their dreams. Later this year, their work will be published in a poetry book! #youngwriters
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  • 17/06/24

    PINS Project - Thursday 20th June

      Reminder - South Glos Parents Carers are hosting a session related to our PINS Project on Thursday morning at 8.45am (before the KS1 Sports Day event). We look forward to seeing lots of you there and hearing your voice. Find more information here:
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  • 13/06/24

    Swift Sport Partnership

          Thursday 13th June 2024 Dear Parents/Carers, We have been working in partnership with Swift Sports Coaching for just over a year now. We use some of our Sports Premium Funding to increase the access our children get to sporting activities by subsidising th...
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  • 13/06/24

    Celebrating Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month

    June is Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History month. The theme this year is, 'What does family mean to you'. Thank you Lucie Barber for our assembly earlier this week, we enjoyed learning and celebrating the different families in our community!
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  • 10/06/24

    Gardening Club

    Our gardening club have enjoyed seeing the first results from all their hard work! Great job gardening club!
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