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Tyndale Primary School

Parent Governor Vacancy



Dear Parents,


There are vacancies for parent governors on the Tyndale & Woodlands Primary School Governing Body and we would welcome applications to take on the role.

The role of the school governor is both rewarding to the individual and invaluable to the school. You would need to be supportive of the values of the school and the Greenshaw Learning Trust and be able to give time and effort to the role, but no specific qualifications or experience are required, and support and training is provided. 

The Tyndale & Woodlands Primary School Governing Body is made up of 11 governors, with 2 parent governors, alongside others including members of staff and persons appointed by the Trustees of the Greenshaw Learning Trust and by the Governing Body itself.

To be a parent governor you must have parental responsibility for, or full-time caring responsibility for, a registered pupil at the school on 27th November2023.

School governors have to abide by certain rules regarding the role and their conduct, and are expected to attend and take an active part in Governing Body meetings – normally 6 times a year, in later afternoons - and take on particular additional tasks in relation to the work of the Governing Body.

If you would like to make an application to become a school governor, please complete the form on our website at – > Join us > Governors and Trustees. Please note all applications must be submitted by 27th November 2023.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please let me know at or via telephone on 07562 619 031.


Yours faithfully

Naziur Rahman,

Clerk to the Governing Body