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Tyndale Primary School

Whole School CInema Trip!



Wednesday 1st May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

End of Term Reward Cinema Trip in July

Tyndale is taking a whole school trip to the cinema!

To celebrate such a fantastic year at Tyndale, we will be celebrating our end of term reward in Term 6 by visiting Yate Cinema to see Inside Out 2! This trip will take place Tuesday 16th July and will be for staff and pupils to enjoy, it does not need to be earned. This is because Inside Out characters inform our whole school ‘emotion regulation’ strategy called ‘Zones of Regulation’ which will benefit all pupils.

There are no changes to the school day, please drop off and pick up as normal. We will leave at approximately 9.15am and return by 1pm. If your child arrives late, they will miss the trip so punctuality is vital please. 

As we won’t get back in time for our usual lunchtime slot, all children will need to be sent to school with a packed lunch please. If your child is eligible for pupil premium then the school will provide them with a school packed lunch, please let the class teacher know this is required.

As this is a whole school reward, there is no cost to the trip - it’s on us!


Please send your child in on Tuesday 16th July with a water bottle and coat in case it rains. Children may wish to bring one small packet of sweets or crisps to enjoy during the film.

If you DO NOT wish for your child to attend this trip, please let us know by speaking with your child’s class teacher or the school office. If we do not hear from you, we will note that you have consented to the local trip. 

Ms Cox and Ms Piper-Thompson will be in touch at a later date to ask for any parent volunteers to join us on this trip. If you know you can support us prior to us asking for volunteers, we’d be most grateful if you could let us know. As always, hugely appreciate your time and support!

Kind Regards, 

Ms K Parkhouse
