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Tyndale Primary School



At Tyndale Primary School, we value Modern Foreign Languages as an important part of our children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. MFL provides our children with knowledge about varying cultures around the globe, the geography and traditions intrinsic to these countries, and the communication skills to flourish in our modern, highly connected world. Through careful teaching and regular application, our children learn to speak and write accurately and effectively in Spanish.


This curriculum is not just for language development, as it will also endeavour to develop the children’s sense of global identity and understanding of the countries that speak this language and what life is like, through exploring traditions, customs, geographical features, prominent figures, tourism and much more.

We teach new vocabulary in small steps and at each step provide ample opportunity for children to practice it, both orally and in writing. We encourage children to ask and answer questions in Spanish, to add to the full immersive experience. 

Spanish Whole School Curriculum Map


Spanish Skills Progression